

Begostone Plus

Type 4 high-quality, super-hard plaster which has been tried and tested over many years for build...


Baumann Dental

Combiflex Pins

Pins for Combiflex / Zeiser / Giroform and similar. ...


Baumann Dental

Modelsystem 2000

A high-quality saw-cut model, which offers exceptional accuracy resulting from just a single expa...


Baumann Dental

Combiflex Plus model system

Exceptionally precise Combiflex Plus model system from Baumann Dental avoids the expansion of pla...


Baumann Dental

Combiflex model system

The Combiflex model system from Baumann Dental is a precise and inexpensive alternative to Combif...


Baumann Dental

Splitcast accessories

All needed accessories for fabrcation of classical splitcast models. ...


Baumann Dental

Duett plate system

The Duett plates are used in all areas of dental technology and dentistry as model bases of all u...


Baumann Dental

Modelsystem 2000 Evo

The high-quality plastic version of the proven Modellsystem 2000 in accustomed precision at an at...


Baumann Dental

Model base formers

Different sized formers and corresponding cuffs in different heights, for production of classical...


Baumann Dental

Grinding belts

Grinding belts are available for the most commonly used dry trimmers on the market and they come ...


Baumann Dental

Quadra base model system

The Quadra Base is a pure quadrant model system. It is based on the principles of our proven Mode...




The vibrators VIB15 and VIB24 create vertical oscillations evenly on the whole surface. The models d...




The die:master system provides you with perfect die preparation as a working basis for convention...



Isofix 2000

Film-free isolation of plaster against plaster from a practical spray bottle. Ideal for producing...




Special glue with extremely low viscosity for sealing plaster models. For strengthening the s...



Super glue “The multi-purpose one”

All-round super glue for use with plaster, metal, acrylics and porcelain. Specially for gluin...



Super glue “The powerful one”

All-round instant glue with quick bonding time, for use with plaster, metal, acrylic and porcelai...