Hager Werken
Straight splinting nets. Cuttable plastic (PET) or stainless steel nets for splinting. ...
Hager Werken
Glass fiber tape for splinting and strengthening. Extremely flexible, easy-to-adapt, ve...
Hager Werken
Plastic caps for core build-up. Minimized risk of accidental damage to neighboring teeth. ...
Dentsply Sirona
Flowable composite with unique self-leveling handling provides excellent cavity adaptation. Incre...
Dentsply Sirona
Applicator gun for all DENTSPLY filling materials delivered in Compules Tips. ...
Dentsply Sirona
SDR Plus Bulk Fill Flowable is a one-component, fluoride-containing, visible light cured, radiopa...
Dentsply Sirona
Spectrum TPH 3 is a light-curing, radiopaque microhybrid composite for anterior and posterior res...
Dentsply Sirona
X-flow is a smooth flowing, light-curing, radiopaque composite material which makes it ideal for ...
Dentsply Sirona
core·X flow consists of two components, base and catalyst, which when mixed form a dual-cured, hi...
Dentsply Sirona
Dentsply Sirona Core & Post System is designed to offer a complete dental treatment solution ...
Dentsply Sirona
Ceram·X is a light-cured, radiopaque restorative material for restoration of anterior and posteri...
Dentsply Sirona
Prisma Gloss Composite Polishing Pastes are water-soluble, aluminum oxide pastes designed for fin...
Dentsply Sirona
Enhance is a finishing and polishing system of only two steps. Enhance allows restorati...